07788 511 253 | hannah@buttonmedia.net

5 Ways To Use Video

So you’re going to make a video. But what are you going to put into it? Well, here are some ideas.

1. Introduce Your Business
A friendly face will help people to connect with you and your business in a more personal way. Get enthusiastic and be real. Potential customers need to know you are approachable and friendly. Making a personal connection will show that you care and will help you build rapport.

2. Show off your product or service
If you don’t want to be on screen yourself you could put together a slideshow of images of your products and include voice-over. This might be particularly useful if you sell visually beautiful things like jewellery. You can really show off the details and benefits of what you sell in a way that text can’t. How about an event video? You could capture the atmosphere of the event by showing clips of what’s going on and on video and put it to music.

2. Client Testimonials
We’re more likely to buy a product or service if it’s recommended to us by someone else. Clients want to know what kind of experience they might expect from your business and recommendations from other customers will add huge credibility to your business.

3. FAQs
Use videos to answer questions that people often ask about your product or service. Not only will your customers receive clear information but it will help them realise that you care about their concerns and are willing to respond personally.

4. Give Tips
Show yourself to be an expert in your field. Build an audience who respects your work. Be the one that people turn to, to find out about your area of expertise. Put yourself out there and watch your audience grow.

So here are some ideas to get you started. It’s worth planning your video carefully and if you’d like some tips on how to script what you’re going to say look out for my next video blog. Have fun and let me know how you get on by leaving comments in the box below. If you need help with videos please get in touch.

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