07788 511 253 | hannah@buttonmedia.net

Planning your Video

Before you make a video

When we meet with a client to plan a video production there are certain things we need to know. The answers to the following questions will help us to plan the content and the style of the video and inform what we shoot. If you’re considering making a video, have a ponder over these.

1. What do you want your video to achieve?

For example, it might be to raise your profile online; show yourself as an expert; interest viewers in your service; introduce your company; show off your premises, services or products; explain a difficult concept; build your email list; generate traffic to your website; invite contact; offer a free consultation or a special offer.

2. Who is the video aimed at?

Potential clients?
Existing clients?
What is the demographic of your target market and what will appeal to them?

3. How will you get viewers’ attention?

Right at the start you need to engage interest. How will you tantalise taste buds? Stunning shots of your beautiful hotel? “Describe the pain” your potential clients might be going through? Humour? A challenging question? A shocking statistic?

4. What Style video is most appropriate?


5. Who is going to be in the video?

Choose someone who will be able to convey your message clearly and enthusiastically. It doesn’t have to be the boss. Do you need someone talking or will visual images, captions and music be more effective?

6. Where is the best location to shoot?

This depends on the look you want and what message you want to convey. Think about the background. Everything in shot will send a message one way or another.

7. Timelines

When do you need your video for and when is it best to shoot? If it’s an outdoor video the season may be important.

For more ideas on videos see www.buttonmedia.net/blog

Happy planning!

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